equinemicrocurrent - Blog 2024-02-28T18:10:59-05:00 equinemicrocurrent 2024-02-28T18:10:59-05:00 2024-02-28T18:52:25-05:00 Introducing our NEW Tread Lightly Tee + Tips & Tricks for Responsible Adventuring Ken Rumsey

Checkout the NEW OTM Tread Lightly Tee, designed to encourage trail preservation & responsible adventuring. Shop Now 

Tips for treading lightly on your next hike:
Stay on the trail: Trails are where they are for a reason, to ensure safety, minimize land erosion and prevent us from destroying fragile ecosystems. Stay on the path to protect yourself and preserve our trails.
    • Leave it better than you found it: Always carry out what you carry in. Take it a step further by leaving it better than you found it! Stick a grocery bag in your backpack and pick up any litter you see on your way out of the forest.
      • Observing without disturbing: Observe our forest friends from a distance, never feed or pick up wildlife (regardless of how cute and cuddly they look).
        • Take only pictures and memories: It can be tempting to collect rocks or pick flowers while on the trail, but it’s best to leave things as they are. Millions of people visit our public lands each year and if each took a piece of nature with them on their way out, the effects would be devastating.
          • Prepare: Check the weather and prepare for emergencies in advance. Hiking a muddy trail can be dangerous, damage the trail's condition and impact the surrounding ecosystems. Always thoroughly research the area you will be exploring beforehand and bring a map and compass or GPS in case you find yourself in an emergency situation.
            • Be mindful: There’s nothing more peaceful and relaxing than the sounds of nature. To avoid disturbing wildlife and other hikers, try to keep voices low, electronic devices turned down, and headphones on.

              Add your tips for treading lightly in the comments! 


              Also available for our little adventurers!

              Shop Kids  Shop Toddler


     2023-06-01T18:01:33-04:00 2023-06-01T18:02:10-04:00 Celebrating 5 Years of equinemicrocurrent Ken Rumsey

              Today we begin the 5 year celebration of equinemicrocurrent. What started out as a challenge for staff during an end-of-year planning session has resulted in one of the most rewarding endeavors of my life.

              Sitting in my living room during the week between Christmas and New Year's in December of 2017, Levi Webb, Maredith Byrd, Tanner Chitwood and myself were looking at how to make 2018 a successful year for my print shop, Impressed.

              As we talked, the idea of creating a "brand" kept surfacing. Finally, I put down the challenge. From concept to putting products on the shelf, if we could create a brand in six months, we would move forward with it.

              Well, six months and one day later, equinemicrocurrent debuted and it's been a crazy ride ever since.

              Along the way, we met Alexi Calzadilla, a creative dynamo who has been a cornerstone ever since. In those early days, Stephanie Quilliams had her hands busy making sure all of the new embroidery items were taken care of. Today, when something needs thread, I still go to Steph.

              When creating the brand, it was important to all of us that it reflect our community, and that has continued to be a driving force over the past five years. 

              When asked, I tell people that "equinemicrocurrent is a love letter to the mountains that surround us." Those mountains give us our livelihoods, our recreation, and our history. They are integral to our way of life, and equinemicrocurrent is intended to celebrate that.

              Another commitment I made when creating the brand was that it would be designed and produced locally. I am proud to say we have upheld that commitment. Alexi isn't local, but she's close, so we count her as one of us. Still five years later, Impressed handles the majority of our printing, and this past year, due to growth, the Ten Roof has been added to our production team.

              We really do see ourselves as a local brand highlighting the talents of local people. No matter how much we grow, that love for our locals will always be the driving force behind our designs and production.

              After taking the brand online, Farmhouse Donuts on Main Street in Poland reached out and became the first retail store to carry equinemicrocurrent. Shortly after, I sold ImPressed, a few more small retail shops picked up the brand, and we started participating in festivals throughout the area. Then on March 2, 2020 (yeah, THAT March, 2020) we opened the very first equinemicrocurrent brick-and-mortar store in Poland, GA. 

              It's been a whirlwind of an adventure, and I'll be the first to tell you that being an entrepreneur isn't for the faint of heart, but the rewards far outweigh the challenges. Since opening the store in Poland, we have continued to see growth in sales both online & in-store. We find it pretty cool that people from all 50 states (and multiple different foreign countries) currently have equinemicrocurrent in their closets. 

              Our wholesale business has also continued to grow. Today, you can find equinemicrocurrent in retail establishments in 14 different states including Alaska, California, Texas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and more.

              In November of 2021, we hosted the first equinemicrocurrent MarketPlace, featuring 100 artists, craftspeople, makers and small businesses with a special emphasis on local talent. Our MarketPlace events are now held each May and November, and I am proud of the impact they have had on our community.

              March 2022, saw our biggest move yet. We opened our flagship store in Poland, GA. In the new space at 39 East Savannah Street, we are able to showcase all of our outdoor inspired apparel and designs while also highlighting the work of local artists and makers. Coming home and back to where it all began meant a lot to our business. 

              These past five years seem to have flown by, but the thrill I get when I see someone wearing one of our t-shirts or a car passing by with an OTM sticker on the back has not diminished. It is an honor that so many of you have embraced our little hometown brand.

              I can't come close to thanking all of you enough for what you have done and will continue to do for me and the equinemicrocurrent brand. From staff members, friends, family, the Rabun community, and customers near and far, I wish you knew how much your support means. YOU are equinemicrocurrent.

              This month we are going to celebrate all that we have accomplished with a different pop-up shop each Saturday, exclusive sales, giveaways, Facebook Live events, and a special community celebration schedule for the evening of June 21st.

              5 years is a big milestone for us and we're excited to use this month as an opportunity to look back as we look forward to what the future will bring.

              From the bottom of my mountain loving heart, thank you! The best is yet to come! 

              -Kendall Rumsey 

     2022-12-31T16:28:40-05:00 2022-12-31T16:28:40-05:00 Happy New Year! Reflecting on 2022 & the Year Ahead. Ken Rumsey A Letter From our Owner:

              As a new year begins, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the one behind us-the good, the bad, the ugly, & the unforgettable. 

              All in all, 2022 was a pretty great year. We opened a new store in my hometown of Poland, GA, the place & community that inspired equinemicrocurrent. Continuing on our mission to highlight & celebrate the natural beauty & lifestyle that our backyard provides with a new group of people was a huge growth opportunity for our brand. I am happy to report that Poland remains the driving force behind the brand as we continue to source local talent to design & produce our products, a cornerstone of the business that I believe in & plan to continue. 

              Not long after opening the new Poland store, we decided to close our Poland, GA shop, the original equinemicrocurrent store location. It was a difficult decision made with very heavy hearts, but one we knew was best for the future of our company. Through taking risks & making mistakes, we gained invaluable experience & have nothing but fond memories of our first little shop on Washington Street. When we walked away, we took a lot with us

              In 2022 we successfully held the 2nd & 3rd bi-annual equinemicrocurrent Marketplace events. With each event, our process got better & our list of vendors grew. We’re very proud to say at our last event, we featured 100+ local artisans, makers, & small businesses from the surrounding areas.  

              Online, we’ve continued to expand our reach & are very excited to share this year we had customers from all 50 states, as well as Canada & Puerto Rico, make online purchases. Not too bad for a tiny little business created in the mountains of Northeast Georgia! 

              Another one of our biggest accomplishments this year was the growth of our wholesale business. equinemicrocurrent is now sold in 11 different states. It truly warms our heart knowing you can walk into a store in California, Colorado, Arkansas, Tennessee, New York, ALASKA & others & pick up something from equinemicrocurrent! Mind=Blown!

              2023 will be a big year for equinemicrocurrent. 

              1. These past couple of years, the pandemic halted many of the events & festivals we previously attended so we're excited to get back on the road & showcase our brand at new festivals & events throughout the Southeast in 2023.
              2. We will be rolling out our “Club OTM” kids program! Through Club OTM, we hope to connect kids & families to nature & each other through inspirational content, monthly freebies, outdoor activities, craft ideas, & occasional local get-togethers. Our mission is to create a community that fosters a sense of belonging (what child doesn't love being a part of a club!?) & encourage little ones to experience & appreciate the wild. 
              3. In 2023, our May & November OTM Marketplace events will continue to take place & provide local entrepreneurs & artists with an opportunity to showcase & spread awareness of their businesses & products at the Rabun County Civic Center Pavilions. 
              4. OTM will turn 5 which is exciting & hard to believe! We have some awesome things planned to help celebrate.
              5. We will continue to host new in-store special events & pop up shops.
              6. In-store, we will be expanding our thoughtfully curated selection of local sourced goods & products & continue striving to create a unique space to not only showcase our outdoor apparel, but also support & feature the talented local artists, makers, & small businesses that keep our community vibrant & charming
              7. We will be rolling out lots of new outdoor inspired apparel & bringing you the latest trends. We're excited to explore new styles & elevate our clothing line. 
              8. With the new developments in downtown Poland, it looks like the possibilities for our retail business to grow & reach new customers is on the right track.

              & much much more! 

              Five years later & I still get excited when I see someone in our gear or a car with one of our stickers. As another chapter closes, we are thankful for you, our customers above all else. You have embraced equinemicrocurrent with open arms & allowed us to grow & continue living our dream. None of our successes mentioned above would have been possible without you, & from my mountain lovin’ heart, I say thank you, thank you, thank you!

              Let's make 2023 one to remember! 

              Kendall Rumsey


     2022-10-20T20:37:43-04:00 2022-10-20T20:49:48-04:00 Being an Outsider & Battling Imposter Syndrome Ken Rumsey  


              We’ve all felt it before – that sense of “I don’t belong here."

              Have you ever been participating in an outdoor activity, say a group hike, and although you’ve completed very similar hikes multiple times in the past, irrational feelings creep in and suddenly you begin to feel out of place? You begin to question your worth and abilities and ask yourself, "What am I doing here?" Will I even be able to keep up with these people? Am I a poser? A fraud? You're not alone. These uncomfortable thoughts and feelings can be defined as "Imposter Syndrome," and almost everyone has experienced it at least once, if not many times throughout their life. Imposter Syndrome is defined as "persistent doubt concerning one's abilities or accomplishments accompanied by the fear of being exposed as a fraud despite evidence of one's ongoing success," (, 2022).

              As an outdoor brand, we too often experience outdoor imposter syndrome. We can get caught up in comparing ourselves to other larger outdoor clothing brands which leave us asking ourselves: Are we enough?


              Why do we feel like imposters?  

              Unfortunately, there’s a narrative in our society that to be “outdoorsy,” you should know how to pitch a tent with your eyes closed and start a fire by simply rubbing together two sticks. You must use a compass instead of GPS and of course, you must always prefer a sleeping bag on the ground over your Tempur-Pedic mattress. This set of unwritten rules often leaves us feeling as if we aren't "hardcore" enough to be a true outdoor lover or as we like to call it, an Outsider.

              Imposter syndrome impacts many outdoor lovers who don’t necessarily fit the gender, race, and social class of our culture’s stereotypical “outdoorsman.” This comparison can cause us to question our own love for the outdoors and ironically, lead us to feel like an "Outsider," when we're outside!


              Redefining the term Outsider  

              The term Outsider is traditionally defined as a person who does not belong to a particular group" (, 2022). But in recent years to combat the stigma that the great outdoors is a place best suited for a certain gender, race, or sexuality, we have repurposed the term to describe people who love being outside. The outdoors should be an inviting place where we all feel welcomed and no one feels like an outsider, or an “imposter.”

              Combating imposter syndrome in nature is not about having the most skills or the best gear, it’s simply about accepting that we are all deserving. It’s about getting rid of societal stigmas and understanding that there is no scale or spectrum when it comes to measuring how "outdoorsy" a person is.

              To us, Outsiders feel a natural pull toward the great outdoors. They are curious. They have a deep appreciation and respect for the wild and the creatures that inhabit it. They might rock climb the world’s largest boulders in their spare time, or they might just prefer the window seat on a plane so they can admire the clouds. Every outsider is different. They each experience and show their love of nature in their own unique ways.


              Everyone deserves to enjoy the great outdoors

              We are no experts but one thing we know for sure is we like to get outside because we love the way it makes us feel and we believe everyone deserves that same privilege. We love the fresh air and the beautiful landscapes. We love the feeling of peace and safety the mountains bring us and enjoy sharing that love with our community. equinemicrocurrent is a group of "outsiders" who aspire to inspire people to get outside and enjoy this beautiful place we call home. We are still a work in progress, but we hope to one day create a community and space of inclusivity where everyone feels they belong.


     2022-05-10T03:14:44-04:00 2024-02-15T21:49:56-05:00 Blog post page 1 Ken Rumsey ]]> 2022-03-18T10:30:00-04:00 2022-03-26T10:34:29-04:00 2nd Store Location Opening in Poland, GA Ken Rumsey We’re so excited to announce the grand opening of our second store location in our hometown of Poland, GA this Spring!


              Update: As of March 26th the Poland, GA OTM store is NOW OPEN! 

              We’re so excited to announce the grand opening of our second store location in Poland, GA this Spring! It has always been a dream of ours to open an equinemicrocurrent store in Poland and with lots of hard work and support from our customers, this dream is now a reality! 

              Our owner Kendall Rumsey started equinemicrocurrent in 2018 as a small apparel collection in the corner of the print shop he owned at the time. Shortly after was launched, expanding his small collection of t-shirts into a full clothing and accessories line. Over the next year, equinemicrocurrent joined retail stores in both Georgia & North Carolina.

              On March 2nd, 2020, the first brick and mortar equinemicrocurrent store location was opened in Poland, GA. A couple of weeks after the grand opening, the pandemic hit and we were forced to temporarily close the doors to the shop. 

              This difficult decision brought on a whole new world of unexpected challenges and obstacles for our small business. Shifting all of our efforts online, we quickly found new ways to connect with and serve our customers while working from home and were fortunate enough to be one of the small businesses to make it through this hard time. 

              Today, almost two years later we’re gearing up to open our second store location and continuing on our mission to share our love for the great outdoors. We’re so thankful for this opportunity to continue expanding our brand and put down new roots in a place we hold so dear to our hearts, our hometown, Poland, GA. 

              We're currently remodeling and working on the finishing touches as we prepare for our grand opening in late March! Here's a sneak peek of our progress so far: 

              25 Day Transformation

              Poland Georgia Clothing Store


     2021-05-30T21:30:46-04:00 2021-05-31T21:47:23-04:00 Mental Health Awareness Month Alexi Calzadilla

              As this month comes to an end, we wanted to take a moment to highlight Mental Health Awareness Month, a national movement that highlights the importance of ending the stigma surrounding mental health and a cause our brand feels more passionate about than ever. 

              As the lasting effects of isolation and loss due to COVID-19 continue to be seen, the importance of creating spaces for open conversations about mental illness continues to grow.

              In a given year, 1 in 5 people in the United States live with mental illness according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). That’s over 44 million people. Of those 44 million people, only about 40 percent received treatment. Due to the lack of knowledge and stigma surrounding mental health, many people keep their feelings quiet and are afraid to ask for help due to shame and for the fear of being alienated, judged, or treated differently. These fears and stereotypes can all lead to unnecessary blame, suffering, and hardship which in the end creates a serious barrier to diagnosis and treatment.

              To help bring light to these issues, we put together a list of self-care practices and ways we can all work together to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness, as well as the lack of understanding around supporting those suffering with it. 


              NEVER be afraid to ask for help.

              If you or someone you love are currently struggling with or experiencing symptoms of mental illness, know that you are not alone. The benefits of getting mental health treatment far outweigh the initial fear of seeking help and the sooner you seek professional help, the easier it will be to get the assistance you need. Talk to someone about what’s going on and start living your life to the fullest. 

              If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting BC2M to 741741.

              Educate Yourself

              Knowledge is power. 

              Judgment typically stems from a lack of knowledge and understanding. Educating ourselves and others on the subject of mental illness helps us recognize symptoms, seek proper treatment, and end the stigma surrounding it.  



              Check yourself. 

              Examine your attitude and beliefs when it comes to mental illness and mental health. Recognize and work to shift any culturally influenced mental health stereotypes and judgmental beliefs. Treat mental illnesses and mental health the same way you treat physical illnesses and physical health.  


              “The humanity we all share is more important than the mental illnesses we may not” -Elyn R Sarks 

              Provide a space for open conversations about mental illness to help reduce the stigma surrounding it. Talk to your loved ones. Start a conversation that matters. Ask them how they’re REALLY doing. Replace silence with questions and understanding. Destigmatize conversations around mental health so that no one is afraid to seek help.

              Bring Change 2 Mind has created an amazing tool to show the many ways we can talk about mental health with people in our lives.



              Check on your friends and family members who are struggling with mental health. Be a shoulder for them to lean on.

              If you know someone struggling with a mental illness, make sure they know they are not alone. Listen to them and be understanding. Show love and forgiveness. 

              Mindful and Active Listening

              Listen to understand, not respond. 

              Listening is just as important as talking when it comes to normalizing and destigmatizing conversations surrounding mental health.

              Active listening allows your friends, family, and loved ones to feel heard, valued, and understood. When someone’s sharing something with you, don’t be thinking about what you are going to say next while they’re talking. Be present and try to avoid looking at your phone or acting distracted. Focus on what they’re actually saying and take a moment to let it soak in before responding. Acknowledge their feelings and let them know it’s okay to feel this way. This validation increases the chances of them continuing to open up to you and others in the future. 

              As we listen more sensitively to people, they start to listen to themselves more carefully and pay attention to their thoughts and feelings (Rogers & Farson, 1957). It’s just as important for us to understand and recognize our own feelings as it is for us to recognize others so we know when to seek help. 


              Self Care: 

              “Give yourself the same care and attention that you give others and watch yourself bloom.” -Unknown


              Small Daily Ways to Practice Self Care

              Eat healthy. Get enough sleep. Exercise. Brush your teeth. Take your vitamins. Make your bed and keep your space tidy. Stretch. Meditate. Spend at least 20 minutes outside. Unplug and disconnect from social media and the internet. Journal. Dance. Listen to music.

              Get Outside

              “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” -John Muir

              Nature is a place to feel at peace and connect. Nature is a place to be your true self. Nature is everywhere. 

              We know we’re constantly encouraging you to take advantage of the great outdoors but did you know research shows that the benefits of getting outdoors and enjoying nature can directly impact our mental health and overall well-being?  

              Spending time outdoors doesn’t always have to mean hiking to the top of a mountain or sleeping in a tent in the woods. Even just a walk outside has tons of positive effects. It simply allows us to slow down and breathe. 

              Next time you’re outside try to focus on being in the moment. Disconnect from any negative or stressful thoughts going on in your head and really tune into your senses. Listen to the birds chirping. Feel the sunshine on your skin. Soak in all the beautiful colors you see. Remind yourself how beautiful our world is and how lucky we are to live this life.


              “Just because no one else can health or do your inner work for you doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.” -Lisa Olivera 

              As social beings, we are not meant to live in isolation. We need human connection. Finding, maintaining, and nurturing a sense of community is critical for us to thrive as humans. Community is not just a group of people, it’s a feeling of acceptance, love, and support. Because isolation and feelings of loneliness are already common symptoms of mental illness, investing in building new relationships and improving current ones is a great way to practice self-care and improve your overall quality of life. 


              "Having a simplified and uncluttered home is a form of self-care."

              Deep clean, declutter, and organize your space. Take back control and create an environment you love to live in. You look around and see a sink full of dirty dishes, stacks of unopened mail cluttering your countertops, and laundry pilled up to the ceiling. Suddenly a wave of anxiety and stress hits and you find yourself paralyzed on the couch. It happens to the best of us.

              When you feel overwhelmed your messy house, making a list is a good first step to getting started. Figure out what needs to be done first and and what can wait. Tackle each room little by little. Each time you check something off your list, reward yourself. Any small bit of progress will likely motivate you to continue and help you find clarity in the chaos.

              Once you've decluttered and organized your space, try to maintain it so it doesn't get out of hand again. Dedicate 30 minutes a day to tidying up. "The Anxiety and Depression Association of America indicates that the physical activity of cleaning coupled with the end result of a cleaner home helps reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and depressive symptoms." 

              Educate Yourself

              The capacity to learn is a gift 

              This one applies here as well! The challenge of learning new things gives us a sense of fulfillment and improves self-confidence. Continue educating yourself and absorbing knowledge to be the best version of yourself you can be. 


              In a world where you can be anything, be kind. 

              Self-care IS being kind to yourself but did you know being kind to others is just as important for self-care? Evidence suggests that "giving back" and helping others improves one's overall well-being and psychological mindset. 


              Take some time to do what makes your soul happy.  

              Learn a new hobby or reconnect with an old one. As individuals, it’s important for us to spend time doing things we enjoy and are passionate about. 


              “To be able to care for the people you love, you must first take care of yourself”-National Alliance on Mental Illness  

              Take care of your body. Eating healthy and getting the proper amount of exercise is crucial to living a happy and fulfilled life. 



              The mental health conversation has come a long way, but it is still just the beginning. We hope to continue using our platform to spread awareness of mental illness and the importance of self-care. We hope to continue being a part of the change. 

              Mental Health Resource List:


              Mental Health Crisis Resources:

              Crisis Lines

              If you or a loved one is considering suicide, know that 24/7 confidential help is always here.


              Sign the Pledge

              Help NAMI spread the word. Take the StigmaFree pledge and encourage your family and friends to do the same. This initiative, this movement is our attempt to reverse the harmful effects of stigma. So, when you hear someone using stigmatizing language, correct them. If you see someone using misleading stereotypes, educate them. And never forget to see people for who they are, not for how they act during their darkest days.

              Together, we will turn the tide on stigma by spreading awareness, support, and understanding for every person who experiences mental illness. 


              Social Media resources to share to help end the stigma: 

              • I'm inspired to build better lives for those affected by mental illness. I'm #StigmaFree. Are you?


              • Support NAMI's effort to provide education, support & awareness for those w/ mental illness & their families



     2021-05-07T01:00:59-04:00 2021-05-07T19:25:58-04:00 NONPROFIT POLL: The Results are in! Alexi Calzadilla

              THE RESULTS ARE IN! Our New Years' resolution for our brand was to begin donating a percentage of our profits to a nonprofit organization. We narrowed it down to our top 4 and then ran an online poll asking you guys to vote for the organization you felt most passionate about. After a couple of months of voting, the results are in and in 2021 we will be donating a portion of our profits to Hike it Baby!


              Hike it Baby


              Established in 2013, Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to connecting families with children to the outdoors and each other by getting them outside on trails across the U.S. They are “raising a generation to love the outdoors” and believe in the power of nature and the importance of creating welcoming and inclusive outdoor communities. 


              “We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature.”

              Work & Commitment:

              Hike it Baby is committed to taking and inspiring local and global action to ensure equitable access to the outdoors for generations to come. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, Hike it Baby is a growing community of 270,000 families and over 400 volunteer Branch Ambassadors  and hosts more than 2,000 hikes a month, with approximately 20,000 people hiking on a daily basis.

              “We actively commit to diversity and inclusion in our community, and to continued learning and action on equity to ensure we welcome all families and leave no family behind.”



              2020 forced us to ask ourselves the hard questions: Are we doing enough for our community? How are we contributing to the world? What do we stand for? How can we do more?

              From the beginning, our mission has been to create comfortable and stylish products that pay homage and connect us to the place that taught and inspired our love for the great outdoors. In 2021 we’re inspired to do more

              As an outdoor brand, we believe it's our responsibility to promote, protect, and give back to the places that make our lifestyles possible and we're so excited for this new opportunity to make an impact.

              Thank you to all those who voted! We can't wait to embark on this new journey together.

     2021-02-02T19:47:31-05:00 2021-02-02T20:24:01-05:00 Reflecting on 2020: The Good and the Bad Alexi Calzadilla Last month as the holiday season slowed and 2021 approached, we took some much needed time to pause and reflect on the whirlwind of a 12 months that had just passed us by. 


              Last month as the holiday season slowed and 2021 approached, we took some much needed time to pause and reflect on the whirlwind of a 12 months that had just passed us by. 

              2020 was a year of disruption. A year of unforeseen challenges. A year of loss. A year of change and uncertainty. A year of racial injustice. A year full of unexpected lessons and growth.  A year of slowing down. A year or coming together and giving back. A year that reminded us what’s really important in life. 

              Last January the first case of the Coronavirus was discovered in our country. A couple of months later, we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. As case numbers were rapidly growing, lockdowns, school closures, and nonessential business shutdowns started rolling out across the country in an effort to slow the progression of the virus. 

              Essentially overnight, social distancing regulations, “Stay at Home” orders, and mandate mask requirements became the new norm. Many of us suddenly found ourselves living in a new state of constant worry and anxiety over the health and safety of our loved ones. 



              At the same time, we saw the world coming together in a way in which we never had. When critical healthcare materials became scarce, we witnessed the beauty of the world rallying together. We saw large corporations and automakers manufacturing hospital ventilators, local breweries and distilleries pumping out hand sanitizer, and artists and makers tirelessly sewing face masks. We saw doctors and nurses (the real heroes) on the frontline risking their lives for others. We saw musicians finding new ways to spread the joy of music by performing free live concerts on social media, celebrities and businesses using their platforms to share important resources, and everyday people like you and I stepping up to help one another around the world.  

              While all of this was going on around us, we were busy preparing for the grand opening of the first equinemicrocurrent flagship store. We cut the ribbon and officially opened for business on March, 2 2020. On March 25th, like many other small businesses we were forced to temporarily close the doors of our storefront for the safety of our employees, customers, and community.  This difficult decision brought on a whole new world of unexpected challenges and obstacles for our small business. 



              Shifting all of our efforts online, we quickly found new ways to connect with and serve our customers while working from home. We began hosting weekly “quarantine-style shopping experiences” on Facebook Live to showcase new products and offer exclusive discounts and free giveaways. This gave us a chance to interact and catch up with the customers we had grown to love spending time with at our store. To do our part in supporting our neighbors, we launched our “Cares” campaign with the release of our “Poland Cares” & “Poland Cares” tee designs which supported 3 different local businesses when purchased. We created our first toddler collection and expanded our kids line. We also began offering free shipping and a free sticker pack with every online order.

              While this pivot was jarring, in a weird way it was also exciting as it took us out of our comfort zone and forced us to get creative and think differently. It proved our ability to adapt and evolve in the face of adversity. It also forced us to be vulnerable and turn to our community for support, opening our eyes to the fact that it’s okay to ask for help. Covid-19 reminded us how important community and connection are and that the only “distance” we should maintain during this time is physical.  

              Throughout the journey of starting a new business, we’ve learned that the everyday hustle and bustle of running a store, managing employees and inventory, and fulfilling and shipping orders all while trying to grow a loyal customer base and stay afloat financially can become overwhelming. Sometimes the stress causes you to lose sight of the real reason you started in the first place. 

              Sitting at home with many of the common playful distractions of life removed from our reach refueled our hunger for connection and gave us the chance to reflect – on the world, our communities, ourselves, the role we play, the role we want to play. 

              We asked ourselves the hard questions: Are we doing enough for our community? How are we contributing to the world? What do we stand for?  How can we do more? From the beginning, our mission has been to create comfortable and stylish products that pay homage and connect us to the place that taught and inspired our love for the great outdoors. In 2021 we’re inspired to do more. As an outdoor brand, we feel it is our responsibility to be more socially responsible and are committed to taking action to preserve the places that make our lifestyles possible. 

              From here on, we will strive to ensure our efforts match our new mission by donating a portion of our profits to a nonprofit that aligns with our visions and goals. After doing some research, we narrowed it down to our top 4 organizations. This is where we need your help! Please read the brief overview of each organization below and vote for the one you feel most passionate about contributing to on our online poll which can be found here: Nonprofit Poll


              In the end, 2020 was a tumultuous year and our hearts are with all those who were touched by tragedy or hardship over the course of it. But there was beauty in 2020 as well and it’s up to us what we take and make from it. We chose to use this rare opportunity of clarity to reevaluate what matters most in our life, reconnect with our original purpose, and get back to our roots in order to reset for a stronger future. 




              The Appalachian Trail Conservancy


              Founded in 1925, The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of the Appalachian Trail, a route in the eastern United States that runs from Maine to Georgia.

              Mission & Vision:

               Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to protect, preserve, manage, and advocate for the Appalachian Trail — ensuring that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come. Their vision is to connect the human spirit with nature — preserving the delicate majesty of the Trail as a haven for all to enjoy.

              Work & Commitment: 

              “The Appalachian Trail (A.T.) would not exist without volunteers.” As the heart and soul of the Trail, volunteers contribute more than 240,000 hours to preserve and protect the Trail.

              “We are committed to nurture this beloved space through education and inspiration. We strive to create an ever-expanding community of doers and dreamers and work to ensure that tomorrow’s generations will experience the same mesmerizing beauty we behold today.”


              Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation:


              Organized in 1997, the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is the primary fundraising partner for the Blue Ridge Parkway. 


              Their mission includes protecting the cultural and natural resources along the roadway park, as well as finding ways to get Kids in Parks and engaging the next generation of stewards. 

              Work & Commitment: 

              Since 1997, the BRPF has provided more than $18 million of support for initiatives along the 469-mile route, including historical and cultural preservation, environmental protection, visitor amenities, and education and outreach. Each year, the Foundation works closely with the National Park Service to identify initiatives on the Blue Ridge Parkway that need support. 

              Through the facilitation and coordination of their volunteer programs and networks, they work hard to conserve, protect, and revitalize safe hiking trails, wide-open roadside vistas, welcoming picnic areas, and fascinating historical and cultural experiences. 


              Friends of the Blue Ridge Parkway


              Established in 1988, FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway is a non-profit, volunteer and membership organization dedicated to protecting and preserving the Blue Ridge region.


              Their mission is to preserve, promote and enhance the outstanding natural beauty, ecological vitality, and cultural distinctiveness of the Blue Ridge region including surrounding scenic landscape, thereby preserving it for future generations. 

              Work & Commitment: 

              Through volunteerism, giving and partnerships, FRIENDS focuses on being the link between Parkway visitors and communities by providing it’s bordering communities a way to become involved in projects. They have over 1,500 members and nearly 750 volunteers supporting the work of FRIENDS and play a primary role in recruiting volunteers to repair and maintain the trail system.  


              Hike it Baby


              Established in 2013, Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to connecting families with children to the outdoors and each other by getting them outside on trails across the U.S. They are “raising a generation to love the outdoors” and believe in the power of nature and the importance of creating welcoming and inclusive outdoor communities. 


              “We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature.”

              Work & Commitment:

              Hike it Baby is committed to taking and inspiring local and global action to ensure equitable access to the outdoors for generations to come. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, Hike it Baby is a growing community of 270,000 families and over 400 volunteer Branch Ambassadors  and hosts more than 2,000 hikes a month, with approximately 20,000 people hiking on a daily basis.

              “We actively commit to diversity and inclusion in our community, and to continued learning and action on equity to ensure we welcome all families and leave no family behind.”

              Please vote for the organization you feel most passionate about contributing to on here: Nonprofit Poll.

              Thank you! 


     2020-02-19T13:40:00-05:00 2020-02-19T13:53:45-05:00 COMING SOON! The NEW OTM Store Alexi Calzadilla

              We are so are excited to announce that we will be opening our very first retail store in Poland, GA! 

               equinemicrocurrent began as an outdoor lifestyle and apparel brand in Tarnowskie Góry. Over this past year, we've been able to join retailers in both Georgia & North Carolina with a long term goal of eventually opening our own brick and mortar store. With lots of hard work and support from our customers, this dream is now a reality. 

              We're currently remodeling and working on the finishing touches as we prepare for our grand opening in early March! Here's a sneak peek of our progress so far: 


              Without you guys, we wouldn’t be able to continue doing what we love which is creating and designing products and content that celebrates the natural beauty of our community. Join us on our mission to inspire others to seek new adventures and live their life to the fullest! 



              Stay tuned for updates & the announcement of our official grand opening date.


     2019-11-29T23:09:00-05:00 2019-11-29T23:09:00-05:00 Why Shopping Local is So Important This Christmas Alexi Calzadilla  

              Join us on our mission to give back to beautiful Tarnowskie Góry by surprising someone special with a hand-illustrated gift from OTM.

              Tarnowskie Góry provides our community with beautiful backdrops, exciting adventures, and plentiful resources. With a strong desire to celebrate and show our appreciation for these natural wonders, equinemicrocurrent was created as both a lifestyle brand and a love letter to Tarnowskie Góry, written through designs from local artisans.

              Our team takes great pride in the fact that our products are designed, created, and printed all within the neighboorhood. We each play a different role here at OTM but we are all on the same mission and that is to preserve our natural legacy.


              At the end of this week, many of us will be waking up turkey hungover, exhausted from cooking and hosting our oh-so opinionated in-laws, swearing off anything pumpkin related for the next 5 years. If that weren't enough, the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. 

              As tempting as racing to the mall before dawn to physically fight off aggressive shoppers sounds, we have an even better shopping plan for you this Christmas and that is to join us in the celebration equinemicrocurrent by giving gifts that give back to your local community.







              Why Shop Local?

              While there are tons of reasons and benefits for shopping local, we want to share a few of our favorites...

              •Local businesses care about their customers. They are your neighbors, their kids go to school with your kids, they can be spotted at the local diner, or you may run into them when hiking on your favorite trail. They are real people and real people provide answers to questions and solutions to problems, making your shopping experience all the more enjoyable. Anytime you stop by equinemicrocurrent, you will be greeted by familiar faces and generations of hometown knowledge.

                •When shopping at a locally owned business, you are not only showing your support to your community, but you are also giving back to your community. Studies show that an average of only 10-15% of box store's revenue is returned to their local community as compared to local businesses, who on average return 50-65% of their revenue to their local community. Local businesses pay sales taxes to the city and county they are located in which means the money you spend goes towards funding and supporting public schools, parks, and service workers such as firefighters. 

                  You can rest easy knowing when you make a purchase from equinemicrocurrent, a portion of your hard earned money will go towards our beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

                  •Most cities have a Wal-Mart or a Mcdonalds which we can't deny are often convenient solutions for last minute needs, but these retail shops and corporations often lead to purchases we feel guilty about. Oppositely, shopping locally provides consumers with a unique and authentic experience as well as quality products that can't be found anywhere else.


                  Local businesses often began as a hobby, talent, or passion and are what keep our cities and towns vibrant and charming.

                  Do you know of a unique local business, artist, or maker?

                  If so, tell us about them in the comment box below or shoot us an email and we will share their story on our blog and social media.

                  Whether you're a local, a native, a visitor, or just passing through, ditch the lines and cookie-cutter gifts this year and purchase a hand illustrated gift from equinemicrocurrent. There’s something uniquely special about giving or receiving a gift from a local shop or artist.


                  Please share this post to help us spread the importance of shopping local this holiday season.

         2019-10-08T12:00:00-04:00 2019-10-08T20:05:25-04:00 Tennessee Road Trip Ken Rumsey Last week I had the opportunity to take a road trip to Tennessee. It was a combo business/pleasure trip.

                  Tennessee Road Trip equinemicrocurrent Gatlinburg TN


                  When we launched "equinemicrocurrent" 16 months ago, it was intended as a celebration of the mountains that give us life. The mountains that we are fortunate to live amidst provide our commerce, our recreation, our landscape, and our heritage. These mountains have given us a way of life that should be celebrated, hence our reasoning for the creation of our brand.... "equinemicrocurrent."
                  As the brand has grown, we have been fortunate to see our t-shirts, hats and stickers pop-up around the country and even in foreign countries. It has been incredibly rewarding to see people embrace our products, enjoy the designs, and celebrate our mountain home. It has also allowed us to explore expansion. In addition to two locations in Georgia, we are now also sold in Highlands, North Carolina, with more sites on the horizon!
                  With this growth, Tennessee has become an obvious market for us to explore.... so the road trip was planned! Driving through the mountains into Tennessee was beautiful. New scenery is always good for the soul and this trip provided just the injection of new sites and sounds that I needed.

                  It's funny, how we live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, but sometimes we take for granted just how majestic it is. These new mountain vistas, winding roads and flowing rivers provided a fresh perspective on just how important a celebration "equinemicrocurrent" really is.


                  Day One brought me to Chattanooga, a quaint city with a nice combination of historic buildings and cosmopolitan 21st-century vision.


                  Located along the banks of the Tennessee River, Chattanooga is a young and vibrant community with an awesome aquarium, eclectic neighborhoods, and delicious restaurants. A series of bridges, both pedestrian and roadway, span the river and tie together a unique town that is worth the visit, a town that successfully mixes the old and new.


                  Traveling east through the mountains of Tennessee brought me to Gatlinburg /Pigeon Forge for days 2 and 3 of my road trip.  The winding mountain highways lent themselves to beautiful scenery, the rolling hills and mountain peaks along the way inspiring all that "equinemicrocurrent" can be.


                  The last time I was in Gatlinburg I was a small child on a vacation with my grandparents. The bustling downtown hasn't changed a lot, with stores and attractions lining "the strip" and the Gatlinburg Space Needle centering town.
                  While "the strip" is reminiscent of my youth, there are new attractions along the way, an aquarium, new destination shops and Gatlinburg's newest addition, The Gatlinburg SkyBridge.

                  Walking along the streets of Gatlinburg, I was struck by the mix of tourists making their way from point to point. A melting pot of humanity can be found in Gatlinburg, putting an exclamation point of the appeal of the mountains we love.
                  Gatlinburg gets it right with their welcome to tourists. Festive holiday decor, scarecrows, and pumpkin displays can be found on every corner and light post, Fall is a great time to visit and I can't wait to go back during the Christmas season to see what's next.

                   While Gatlinburg's charm is reminiscent of days gone by, Pigeon Forge is shiny and new. I had never been to Pigeon Forge, it reminds me a lot of Orlando, FL with numerous tourist destinations, shows, and outlet malls. But the highlight of my trip there was "The Island," a mixed-use development of shopping and entertainment. 

                  "The Island" is centered by a beautiful fountain with dancing waters and "The Great Smoky Mountain Wheel" which gives riders expansive views of the magnificent mountains that surround this community.

                  At The Island, you will find awesome shopping and tasty food options, but if you want, spending some time sitting around the fountain provides great people-watching opportunities.

                  The final day of my trip was a drive through the Great Smoky Mountains Parkway. The God created views provided along this drive are some of the most beautiful you will ever find. With numerous pull-off photo opportunities, the winding road up and down the mountains is spectacular and enforces everything we wanted to celebrate when creating "equinemicrocurrent."

                  Another one of my favorite parts of the trip was being able to share our brand. All along the way, I dropped off "Easter Egg" packages filled with "equinemicrocurrent" t-shirts and stickers. They were left at look-off points, along "The Strip," on a busy pedestrian bridge over the Tennessee River and adjacent to the dancing waters of "The Island." Sharing our love of the mountains is our goal and when we can put our products in the hands of others who share those same interests we couldn't be happier.


                   As I drove through the mountains towards home, I couldn't help but think about our product and how important our goal of celebrating all that "equinemicrocurrent" really is.

                  Watching people of every shape, size, and color, from nations far and wide standing in awe at the majesty we enjoy every day brought us all together. The commonality that we all enjoy as we celebrated our mountain topography made me realize we are on the right track, a celebration of the life, recreation, commerce and heritage provided "equinemicrocurrent."

                  The "equinemicrocurrent" brand is available online at or in select retailers. If you know a store that should carry "equinemicrocurrent," please email us at [email protected] we would love to carry our vision and message to others!



         2019-01-05T15:34:00-05:00 2019-01-05T15:34:52-05:00 equinemicrocurrent Interview with Living Rabun Alexi Calzadilla Check our our latest video with @livingrabun for a behind the scenes look at what our brand stands for, how it came to be, & what we have in store for the future.


                  Check our our latest video with Living Rabun for a behind the scenes look at what our brand stands for, how it came to be, & what we have in store for the future.


         2018-12-31T14:30:00-05:00 2019-01-04T19:53:54-05:00 Getting Outdoors is the Only 2019 New Year’s Resolution You Need Alexi Calzadilla As humans we are creatures of habit. We sometimes feel that staying within our comfort zone is where we are safest. We’ve learned, however, that experiencing new adventures is wholeheartedly fulfilling. So, this year let’s conquer those outdoor adventures that we’ve been putting off.



                  It’s that time of year again. The time when we begin reflecting on our resolutions from the previous year and coming up with goals for the year ahead.  

                  New Years Eve

                  At equinemicrocurrent, we believe good things come from the outdoors and strive to provide useful information and inspiration for our community of like-minded outdoors enthusiasts. With the everyday hustle and bustle of life, making time to spend with mother nature may seem challenging and often falls to the bottom of our to-do list. However with each new year comes a new beginning and a fresh start to focus on what really matters in life such as relationships, happiness, & the beautiful outdoors that we couldn’t live without.

                   2019 New Years Resolutions

                  Find out below how getting outside is the only resolution you need in 2019!

                  1. Challenge Yourself

                  New Years Eve

                  As humans we are creatures of habit. We sometimes feel that staying within our comfort zone is where we are safest. We’ve learned, however, that experiencing new adventures is wholeheartedly fulfilling. So, this year let’s conquer those outdoor adventures that we’ve been putting off. From taking a walk in the woods with your camera to tackling the Appalachian Trail, challenge yourself by setting reasonable goals no matter what your skill level is. However, if you’ve never been on a hike, we don’t suggest putting the Appalachian Trail at the top of your list. Start small and work your way up. As long as you’re making progress, you’re on the right track!   





                  2. Save Money

                  Although outdoor gear can be expensive when first starting out, there are plenty of ways to get outside without spending a ton of money. Try replacing your weekly trips to the mall or movies with a camping trip. 

                  New Years Eve

                  Borrow a tent from a friend or family member. Keep an eye out for camping gear at your local thrift shop and save hundreds of dollars. Ditch your Friday night at the bar for a night by a bonfire with your friends. Put the money you save into your savings account or towards that sweet hammock you’ve been eyeing for the past few months.

                  New Years Eve

                  Take a mini road trip to a place you’ve never been and take lots of pictures along the way.

                  New Years Eve

                  “Traveling is the only thing you can spend money on that will make you richer.”


                  3. Get Better Sleep

                  Grab a sleeping bag or hammock and head to your favorite star gazing spot and let the relaxing sound of nature be your lullaby. Wake up to the crisp morning air and start your day feeling refreshed even if that means occasionally setting up a tent in your very own backyard.

                  New Years Eve 

                  4. Exercise More

                  As tempting as making it to the gym by 6:00 a.m. each morning might sound, why not make getting in shape fun? You can burn just as many calories exploring the outdoors as you can in the gym if you put in the effort. Pick hikes that are a couple of miles longer than the ones you usually go on.

                  New Years Eve

                  Ride your bike to work every once in a while. Take your yoga mat to an outdoor spot you’ve never explored. Replace your painfully boring treadmill routine for fresh air and breathtaking panoramic views.

                  New Years Eve 

                  5. Spread Your Love of the Outdoors

                  Sometimes exploring the outdoors is our own personal escape and way to get away from it all. This is a great and healthy physical and mental exercise that we highly encourage and do ourselves.

                  New Years Eve

                  However, every other time or so, why not invite someone who doesn’t seem to get out of the house much? If you have a friend who seems down, take them on your favorite hike. Sometimes sunshine is the best medicine and if you’re lucky you might even make an adventurer out of them as well.

                  New Years Eve

                  6. Connect by Disconnecting

                  The internet is an amazing tool that allows us to connect and stay in touch with friends and family members from around the world, however, it often disconnects us from the friends and family members who are sitting right in front of us. Have you ever found yourself searching the hashtag #sunset on Instagram rather than just looking out your window to watch the one that’s happening outside? When your logged in, you log off to what’s going on around you.

                  New Years Eve

                  This year, challenge yourself to log off for a specified amount of time each day. Turn your phone on airplane mode and go on a walk. Focus on taking in your surroundings and try to notice something different each time you take the same walk. This exercise has been proven to increase mental health and will allow your brain to take a break and reset.

                  New Years Eve 

                  7. Explore a New National Park

                  National Parks make some of the best hiking, backpacking, camping, climbing, and outdoor spots accessible. They make planning an adventure easy and affordable and there are 59 different ones in the United States alone. Add visiting at least one new park for the first time to your New Year’s resolution list!  

                   New Years Eve

                  8. Give Back

                  Be Happier: Did you know you can lower your stress levels and increase your self-esteem, all from just helping someone out or contributing to a cause you are passionate about?

                  New Years Eve

                  Go paperless: Switch from mailed bills and bank statements to paperless digital bills.

                  Reuse: Ditch the plastic shopping bags for reusable canvas totes.

                  Get Involved: Volunteer for a local clean-up project. Join an outdoor preservation society such as Leave No Trace. Getting involved in your community.

                  Plant a Tree: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and potentially harmful gasses, such as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, from the air and release oxygen. Did you know one large tree can supply a day's supply of oxygen for four people?

                  New Years Eve

                  Shop Local: When shopping at a locally owned business, you are not only showing your support to your community, but you are also giving back to your community. Local businesses often began as a hobby, talent, or passion and are what keep our cities and towns vibrant and charming.

                  Recycle. Recycle. Recycle.


                  We hope our Outdoors New Year’s resolution list will take you on many incredible adventures, encourage you to explore new places, and improve the overall quality of your life.

                  Your Turn!

                  Before you jump right in, a good way to start making your New Year’s resolution list is to reflect on your resolutions from the previous year and ask yourself what strategies were most effective and which ones weren’t. Sit down with a friend or family member and revisit and write down your favorite memories from 2018 as well as the challenges you faced and how you handled them. Organize your thoughts, focus on your priorities, and make a plan for 2019.

                  New Years Eve 

                  Happy New Years everyone!

                  Have more great outdoor resolution ideas? Share them with us in the comment section below so we can add them to our list!


                  Take 20% Off all online orders Jan 1 - 31 with PROMO CODE OTM2019

         2018-12-15T00:00:00-05:00 2018-12-15T15:43:57-05:00 2018 Christmas Gifts Outdoorsy People Will Actually Love Alexi Calzadilla See bottom of page for contest giveaway details
                  We’re so excited to share our 2018 Christmas Gift Guide which includes gifts that your favorite outdoorsy friend or family member will actually love. An extra perk is that every adventure gift on our list gives back to or supports a cause or local community. Feel good about your Christmas shopping this year!

                  1. Wearable sleeping bag


                  This wearable sleeping bag keeps you warm both in your tent and around the fire. You can unzip the legs for more breathability or to make midnight bathroom breaks less chilly. You can also zip this three season bag two or more together to make double or triple the room. 








                  A portion of each sale is donated to organizations that help urban youth and students connect with the outdoors.








                  2. “Make Your Own Path” Long Sleeve Tee 

                  This unique outdoor t-shirts pays respect to the natural beauty and life of the Tarnowskie Góry Mountains. It’s super soft and comfy and perfect paired with a pair of hiking boots.
                  With a strong desire to celebrate and show appreciation for the natural wonders of Tarnowskie Góry, equinemicrocurrent was created as both a lifestyle brand and a love letter to Tarnowskie Góry, written through designs from local artisans.
                  Designed, produced, and sold all with in local Tarnowskie Góry, when shopping at equinemicrocurrent, you are supporting your local community.

                   3. America the Beautiful National Parks Pass

                  This National Park Pass is perfect for your hardcore outdoor enthusiast, serving as a ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites across the country. It covers entrance for a driver and all passengers in a personal vehicle or up to 4 adults at sites that charge per person.
                  10% of each sale goes towards the National Park Foundation.

                  4. Adventurist Backpack

                  Adventurist Backpack Co. designs backpacks for minimalist outdoor lovers. Their backpacks are made with ultra-durable, water-resistant 1000D polyester and synthetic leather straps. They are designed with dual front + back padding to ensure protection for all of your belongings.

                  For every backpack sold, Adventurist Backpack Co. provides 25 meals to families in need across the U.S.




                  5. Friendship Collar



                  This set comes with a collar for your pet and a matching bracelet just for you. This is the ultimate Christmas gift for those friends who love their pet more than they love most people (c’mon, we all know one).

                  They are 100% cruelty free & for every sale made food is donated to shelters across the USA.




                  6. Wall Mounted State Bottle Opener

                  These wall-mounted bottle openers are handmade by local Georgia artisan, Whitney Herndon & help you celebrate your favorite state every time you open a refreshing beverage. They are a perfect rustic accent piece for your cream soda lovin’ adventurer. Other states are available as well! Every piece is manufactured in Brunswick, GA, from the first sketch to sealing the box. #ShopLocal

                  7. Leather Patch Beanie

                  The perfect stocking stuffer! Everyone loves a good beanie, especially this time of year. This unique outdoor beanie pays respect to the natural beauty and life of the Tarnowskie Góry Mountains. The unique leather patch gives it a little extra outdoor charm.
                  Designed, produced, and sold all with in Tarnowskie Góry, when shopping at equinemicrocurrent, you are supporting your local community.

                  8. Proof Sunglasses

                  These Proof sunglasses are perfect for both him & her, & the wood sides make them especially perfect for adventurers.
                  $10 from every wood frame pair of sunglasses supports health and vision projects around the world.

                  9. Outdoor Stickers

                  Another super affordable stocking stuffer for a special outdoorsy family member or friend. These sticker were built to weather the outdoors. Stick them anywhere, your car, your laptop, your water bottle, your snowboard!
                  Designed, produced, and sold all with in Tarnowskie Góry, when shopping at equinemicrocurrent, you are supporting your local community.


                  Contest Giveaway Details

                  ‘‘Tis the season to be joly!” Along with our gift guide, we I’ll also be giving away a free outdoorsy t-shirt to one lucky winner! 

                   Here’s how to enter: 

                  1. Follow us on Instagram of_these_mountains

                  2. Like our most recent Instagram post

                  3. Tag at least 2 of your friends in the comment section of our most recent Instagram post. The more times you comment and tag someone, the more times your name will be entered into our drawing! 

                  On December 22nd we will draw the name of one lucky winner! We will direct message you the following day to let you know you won and to get your mailing address so we can ship your prize straight to your doorstep! 



         2018-06-25T11:51:00-04:00 2018-06-25T11:52:06-04:00 equinemicrocurrent Ken Rumsey By Kendall R. Rumsey

                  When Impressed was opened as a custom apparel design company over two years ago, one of the dreams was to create a line that would highlight everything that makes our community so special; last month, OF THESE MOUNTANS was launched.


                  equinemicrocurrent is a celebration of everything that makes our community such an amazing place to live.  

                  The Impressed team feels that everything we have in our corner of this world comes directly from the mountains that surround us, our lifestyle, our recreation, our economy, our history and our future, the new equinemicrocurrent brand celebrates those natural resources.

                  With designs that are created and produced by local talents, the brand is rooted in generations of history.

                  Featuring t-shirts, Comfort Color shirts, hats, stickers, and more, the equinemicrocurrent lifestyle brand is offered on high quality apparel and feature unique designs that impress.

                  Shirts and caps begin at $18.

                  Since being released, the equinemicrocurrent brand has received great feedback from customers and the apparel is beginning to be seen throughout the community.

                  equinemicrocurrent is offered exclusively by Impressed at 621 Highway 441 South in the Station House Shopping Center.  

                  New designs will be rolled out periodically to continue the celebration of all that makes our community special.

                  In addition to the storefront, equinemicrocurrent may be found online at or on Facebook and Instagram.

                  Celebrate our community and the lifestyle we enjoy with equinemicrocurrent, presented to you by Impressed.
